4yr check up

Wanting to check out her new pottery toy from Grammy, Lola ate her breakfast. She made a cute little vase and then set it outside to dry. Her and Kiku played with all the new birthday toys after that. Lola pretended to take a nap and Kiku was curious to watch her pretend.  Our four year old had her yearly checkup. Lola weighed in at 34lbs and was 41inches tall. She had two shots. Brave little cookie.  Then Lola had some lunch. Lola is very into numbers lately. She was measuring her new lizard to see how long it was. After watching a little movie lola fell asleep too. I’m sure it was from her shots. After she woke up the girls had popscicles on the couch. Then we all headed to the pool for some sunshine.

The brothers package came in the mail so Lola opened to find a colorado pillow and very sweet little turtle necklace. Then  she went swimming with her brothers.

Sunshine and summer

Scootering to the park is Lola’s new goal. She’s actually pretty good for only having a scooter for a couple of days. The girls played in the sand and swings. Lola took her new lizard to the park too. The boys took Lola to the library and she showed them around. After lunch Eric played a little guitar for the girls. Kiku was a little nervous at first then she warmed up when she could play the guitar too. Later, Lola opened up her present from Aunt GiGi and Uncle Brian. She of course loved the new dresses and her new book.

Getting the Boat Ready

Lola slept in for church since she was up late partying her 4th birthday all the night. So after the Doll woke up she helped the bubbas scrub up the jet ski. Later we hung out at the pool. Lola is very fond of her new swim suit from her girl friend Brooklyn. For dinner the boys whipped up some homemade pizza.

Birthday Dinner Party

After opening a few presents we headed down to Kincaids to have dinner with Grammy. We were hoping that she would take a nap in the car, but she was so wound up from the afternoon fun that she gabbed all the way to San Mateo. After we ate we came home to open the rest of her presents. Then we took her new scooter out for a test drive down to the cold stone for a dessert. Do you think she was ready for bed at 10? NOO… she was ready to watch her new Fievel movie we had to order off Amazon. She watched her movie and didn’t go to bed until at least 11.- what a birthday! We love you girl.

Lola’s 4th Birthday!

Fun times. We had a pool full of kids. Lola had so much fun swimming she wouldn’t get out of the pool to do the games:) The kids liked making the ocean collage and the ocean bingo game I made. The cupcakes and cake were a delicious success, the kids really loved the fish candy toppers I made. (Even if they were a little melted from the sun. ) Lola swam and swam. All the kids loved the fish water squirters. Happy 4th Birthday Lola Doll!

One day until birthday!!! Let the preparations begin!

Lola helped me bake her cake for her party. She’s excited to being turning four. Recently she told me that “I know you want me to be your little girl, but I have to grow up mom.” We had so much to get done today. I had to make the candy toppers for the cupcakes, make the gift bags, go to costco for the food, & wrap her presents. Luckily, the boys made it to town to help because Daddy was not feeling well. We were up til 1 in the morning packing up the gift bags. Left to do On the morning of her birthday we whipped up a cute little fievel table for the kids to sit at and put the finishing touches on the Fievel Ocean cake, filled the water squirter party favors and cut up all the fruit and made a sandwich tray.

so long city

passed SLC heading to the flats

utah border

it did not look like there is going to be many places to get gas between here and slc so we stopped to play safe

Dress up Girls- count down to the fourth Birthday

Two days until Lola’s 4th birthday!!!! We started the day off playing dress up. The girls liked wearing the sparkly dresses. Lola dressed up as a bride; I’m going to have to dig out some pictures of momma dressed up as a bride:) Then we headed over to the park to play in the fresh air. The girls hid the little seal in the sand, luckily not to hard to find when we left. I had bought some fish stamps to use at Lola’s party so I thought we should try them out. The girls really enjoyed dipping them in paint and making some sea pictures.

Countdown for the Princess

Well, I cannot believe that in 2 days my girl will be 4 years old.  Adam and Eric are currently on the road from Denver to California to visit for the summer and to also help out with the Feivel, Ocean themed birthday party.  The party will be on Saturday at the pool and hopefully the California weather stays hot and sunny.  The boys will be bringing out the Jet Ski so we hope to have some fun with that next week.  For all of you who keep up with our family we really appreciate it.  It is hard living out here without any relatives, but knowing that you are reading and commenting makes the blog our way to keep in touch. Check back next week for updates from the Big 4 birthday bash.