Candace Update 3/13/06

Here is a photo of Candace at around 26 weeks. Her belly is measuring 38 inches at the middle and she is weighing in at 138 lbs. It has been fun for her to aquire a new wardrobe.

Lola’s Arm

We have had several request for anykind of ultra sound picture, most of them are really hard to see, but in this one you can clearly see her arm and hand. Can’t really tell if she is “right” or “left” handed 🙂

Painting Complete

Finally, we have completed the painting for the littles girls room. We had a few setbacks during the prior week do to illness in the family. Everybody is better now and we are back on track. We decided to add the crown molding around the top in addition to the wainscot. We have the crib picked out and hope to get it this week. Once we have the crib in place then we will be able to start adding other items. Candace has picked out a Noah’s Ark Theme so we are looking for anything “animal” or “Noah” related. I have to thank Tad for his amazing saw and Paul for the use of the nail gun. I do not beleive we could have done it without the proper tools. Do not worry about the spots on the picture, there was something on the camera. We will replace the picture later.

Painting Begins

Last night we were able to paint the top half of the room a really nice shade of green. Tonight we began wainscoting the bottom half. With a few trial an errors we were able to make some good progress. We have the other half of the room to do and then we have to add the chair rail. Once that is complete we will touch up some of the rough spots and begin painting the bottom. Here is a look at what has been done so far.